Minggu, 21 September 2014

The minus on the scale: Sometimes the cause remains unclear

Some sufferers who suddenly realize that they have taken off without apparent reason, tend initially to not go straight to the doctor. Finally, a slimmer line is most welcome, if otherwise everything appears normal. Secretly, however, holds many fear an unpleasant diagnosis on the first visit to the doctor. Depending on the symptoms and findings, the diagnosis is then likely to occur only delayed. This can sometimes be lost valuable time.

Sometimes it happens, however, that the cause remains unclear despite a longer thorough check-up. According to studies, this applies to about one in five. Intended for the prognosis without negative consequences. Insofar doctors hold it then justifiable, only summon control half those affected from time to time. This is good news, but many fear for unwanted weight loss equal to the worst, such as cancer.


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